The case study showcases exceptional work I executed for Hello Hello Plants, a plant nursery in Melbourne. Through a thorough understanding of Hello Hello Plants' business model and customer base, I developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that boosted the company's online presence and increased its customer acquisition rate.
Social Media Growth
Over the course of 11 months, I successfully grew Hello Hello Plants' TikTok account from just 23 followers to 45k+ followers all through organic means. The social media strategy that I implemented into their brand gained them 7.5m+ views and 325k+ likes, strengthening their brand and creating a more engaged audience.
By creating 6-10 new videos per week on a 3 day roster, with 1-5 monthly that achieved viral stats of 50,000 to 500,000+ views, I was able to give their brand extensive reach throughout the state of Victoria resulting in a remarkable increase in revenue of 30%!

Before - November 2022

After - October 2023

Media Buying
Thanks to my exceptional services, I was able to scale Hello Hello Plants' ads account and help them achieve remarkable returns on investment through paid advertising. With spends ranging from $500 to $2500, the company experienced impressive returns of x5 up to x9 ROAS. 
My expertise in digital advertising allowed me to maximise the effectiveness of their campaigns and achieve these exceptional results.
Email Marketing
When I started working with this brand, their email marketing campaigns were struggling with low engagement rates, averaging just 10% open rate. However, with my expertise, we were able to turn things around and consistently achieve open rates of 32-37% and an average click-through rate of 10% for their newsletter.
Through these campaigns, we were able to establish a stronger sense of rapport with our repeat customers, keeping them informed about new products and promotions while also providing useful gardening tips and advice. Additionally, by including links to our Google review page, we were able to increase the number of positive reviews left by satisfied customers, further enhancing our brand's reputation and visibility online.
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